This article was published on a day with a Life Lesson number of 44. (9) + (23) + 2+0+1+9=44
It also came a span of 44 days after 8/11 (Tisha B'av).
This comes 263 days after her 16th birthday. Also comes 3 months, 11 days before her 17th birthday.
263, the 56th prime.
She spoke to the United Nations 102 days before her birthday:
As for the 3 months, 11 days:
As for the 14 weeks, 4 days:
As for the 3 months, 12 days:
As for the 14 weeks 5 days:
It came 40 days after the date her voyage started.
As for the 1 month, 9 days:
As for the 5 weeks, 5 days:
As for the 1 month, 10 days:
As for the 5 weeks, 6 days:
Scroll up for some more relevant 56s and 263s
Scroll down to see some more 113s and 30s. 113 is the 30th prime.
It was a span of exactly 8 months, 3 weeks from Thunberg's last birthday.
It came 83 days after the most recent total solar eclipse. This is also 2 months, 3 weeks.
She spoke at the United Nations on the 23rd of Sept.
8/11 date durations:
It came 1 month, 12 days after 8/11.
As for the 6 weeks, 1 day:
Greta Thunberg was 200 months, 2 weeks, and 6 days after her date of birth.
Scroll up for some relevant 83's. 83 is the 23rd prime.
Date Numerologies:
Sep. 23, 2019 was a date with 51 and 24 numerology.
It was also a date with 32 numerology. (9) + (23)=32
September 23, 2019 also had 53 numerology. 9 + 2+3 + (20) + (19)=53
It was a date with 33 numerology.
You know Climate Change has the initials C. C., 3. 3.
C is the 3rd letter of the alphabet.
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